Most Revered Teacher - Harold M. Barlow

Harold Barlow

(click for to learn about Harold)

"Il dolce suono" from the mad scene of composer Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor and "The Diva Dance"

Salvadore Cammarano wrote the Italian-language libretto loosely based upon Sir Walter Scott's 1819 historical novel The Bride of Lammermoor.

Diva Plavalaguna in The Fifth Element: "Her singing voice, which she uses to perform opera, is a highly flexible soprano that ranges from almost a high alto register all the way up into coloratura. The operatic feats heard during her vocal performance in the film are nearly physically impossible for humans, supporting her fame and rarity."

"Plava" means Blue in Serbian, Croation, Montenegrin, and Bosnian languages. "Laguna" means lagoon, so her name is Blue Lagoon. Diva's name has bee inspired by the Plava Laguna resort in Porec, Croatia, where director Luc Bessson vacationed.

The Diva is played by French Actress Maiwenn Le Besco, the then-wife of Luc Besson. Her singing voice is provided by Albanian opera lyric soprano singer Inva Mula-Tchako.

Fifth Element - Diva Plavalaguna song

Lucia Di Lammermoor - The Diva Dance

張靚穎Jane Zhang【The Diva Dance】電影《第五元素 The Fifth Element》插曲電影原版 成都音樂會官方版 DV飯拍版 新專輯《領銜主演》已上市

movie clip followed by Jane Zhang live clips

Il dolce suono from Lucia di Lammermoor

Jane Zhang

[官方版]Jane Zhang-The Diva Dance(from the Fifth Element)(張靚穎演繹第五元素神曲)

How She Trained Herself to Nail The Impossible Song

Jane Zhang

Jane Zhang sang entire The Diva Dance while doing planks and crunches